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CFP: Center for Ethnic Studies (CEETUM) Graduate Colloquium

Submission Deadline: November 12th, 2014

University of Montreal, Canada March 18th to 20th 2015.

Details Below: _______________________________________________________________

“The Centre d’études ethniques des universités montréalaises / Center for Ethnic Studies (CEETUM) is holding its 17th Colloquium for Students and Recent Graduates from March 18th to 20th, 2015 at the University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada).

We invite graduate and postgraduate students as well as recent graduates whose research examines issues related to ethnicity to participate. This annual international colloquium is attended each year by close to a hundred participants. It is a unique opportunity for students and young researchers to present their work either as an individual presentation or as part of a panel session to an audience composed of peers as well as specialists from a variety of disciplines. Proposals as well as the presentations and panel sessions themselves can be in either English or French.

Individual presentations and panel proposals must address one or several of the four research topics that guide CEETUM’s scientific activities:

1) immigrant integration: spatial factors, economy and cohabitation 2) Education and ethnic relations 3) Languages, Identities and intergroup relations 4) Religious plurality: social, policy and legal issues

You can find a detailed description of the research topics on the Centre’s website:

Note that presentations could also address the following themes: theories of ethnicity; citizenship and participation; intersectionality; cultural and artistic production.

Individual presentation and panel proposals must be submitted no later than November 12th 2014 by completing the PDF form available on the CEETUM website (, where you can also find the submission guidelines.

Submissions will be peer reviewed by a multidisciplinary scientific committee composed of graduate students and professors. All authors who have submitted a proposal will be contacted by January 26th, 2015.

Information: Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, organiser or 514 343-6111 ext. 3724”

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