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CFP: “Contemporary French Comedies: New Trends, New Issues, New Approaches” Université S

Submission Deadline January 25th

June 11-12th, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3

Details: _____________________________________________________________

IRCAV, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

Studies in French Cinema



SFC 15th Anniversary Conference

11-12 June 2015

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3

Call for Papers

To celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, Studies in French Cinema will hold its annual conference in Paris, in association with IRCAV, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, on 11-12 June 2015. Papers will be in English or French to enable the broadest possible exchange between researchers in Anglophone and Francophone countries.

The theme of the conference is contemporary French comedy. This is by far the most popular and the most prolific genre in French cinema, and yet it has received relatively little sustained attention from French cinema researchers. The conference aims to explore comedy in all its varieties: its formulas, its registers, its comic effects. It will analyse new trends in this multifaceted genre, and explore in depth the socio-cultural, gender and ethnic issues in films that use laughter to attenuate reactionary stereotypes as well as to present radical challenges to those stereotypes. In so doing, comedies offer a litmus test for social change and resistance to change.

We welcome papers that focus on:

  1. New trends, such as the musical comedy, the ‘auteur comedy’, comedies focusing on ethnic identities

  2. The national/transnational dimensions of comedy: the embedding of national genre in global media culture, the appropriation of comic formulas such as the rom-com;

  3. Questions of gender, class, ethnicity in contemporary comedy;

  4. The economy, production and audiences of comedy;

  5. The stars and actors of the genre.

Keynote speakers: 

Mireille Rosello, Professor at the Universiteit van Amsterdam

Ginette Vincendeau, Professor at King’s College, London

All papers will be in plenary sessions and will last 20 minutes. Proposals of no more than 200 words should be sent with a brief biography (100 words) and affiliation before the 25 January 2015 to both of the following:


Laurent Creton (Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Raphaëlle Moine (Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Phil Powrie (Professor, University of Surrey)

Advisory Board:

Guy Austin (Professor, Newcastle University)

Laurent Creton (Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Julia Dobson (Reader, University of Sheffield)

Will Higbee (Professor, University of Exeter)

Laurent Jullier (Professor, Université de Lorraine)

Sarah Leahy (Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University)

Raphaëlle Moine (Professor, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)

Jacqueline Nacache (Professor, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7)

Phil Powrie (Professor, University of Surrey)

Geneviève Sellier (Professor, Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

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