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CFP for FSAC 2018 – “Gathering Diversity” (Deadline for proposals: Jan. 1, 2018)

FSAC is now seeking proposals for the 2018 conference in Regina, Saskatchewan (Treaty 4 Territory), May 29 – 31, 2018.  They welcome proposals for:

  1. Individual presentations,

  2. Pre-constituted panels,

  3. Workshops or round-tables,

  4. Screenings, exhibitions and other events—on topics related to the Congress theme, or on any other film or media studies topic).

Proposal Submission Deadline: 1 January 2018

Submit proposals by email to: Subject heading: FSAC 2018 Proposal

Proposal format:

  1. In an email, include applicant name, affiliation, short bio (50 words or less), and paper title

  2. Attach a 500 word abstract (with title) and 3-5 bibliographic references. As abstracts will be blind- reviewed, please do not include name or affiliation.

Pre-constituted panels, should be submitted by the proposed panel chair, and include individual proposals (in the format above) with the title of the proposed panel indicated on each abstract.

* Please note that proposals will be only be considered from applicants who are paid up members of the association.

* Please also note that you should plan to participate in a maximum of two forums, neither of which may be the same in kind. For example, you may propose and deliver a paper and submit a workshop proposal, but you may not submit two individual paper proposals (whether single or co-authored).

Additional information and instructions:

  1. Presentations may be in either English or French.

  2. Individual presentations are to be no longer than 20 minutes (including clips).

  3. The length of presentations on panels, workshops, and/or round-tables may vary depending on the specific constitution of the session.

  4. All proposals will be adjudicated by the Programming Committee.

  5. All papers presented at the FSAC Conference must be original works. Proposals for previously presented papers will not be accepted.

  6. Please note that by submitting a proposal, you are agreeing to the eventual online posting of your abstract on the FSAC website as part of the expanded conference program.

For more information (including about funding), please follow this link.

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