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CFP – McGill Feminist Research Colloquium – Identity and (In)visibility (Abstracts due F

The Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies invites members of the research community to participate in a Feminist Research Colloquium on March 1st and 2nd, 2018. This colloquium is a forum for the scholarly community in Montreal to exchange ideas and share research pertaining to gender studies, sexuality studies, and feminism.

Faculty, visiting and post-doctoral scholars, and graduate students are invited to submit a short abstract (max 150 words) and biography (50 words) by February 10th, 2018. The format is open, but in general they anticipate panels with three or four 15 minute presentations, followed by discussion. Alternative formats are welcome, such as screenings, artist talks, performances, themed discussions, or works-in- progress. They encourage interdisciplinary work that crosses traditional borders of the academy. Submissions are welcome in English or French.

This year’s theme is identity and (in)visibility, proposals might address topics such as:

  1. The current state of identity politics

  2. Borders, diasporas and displacement

  3. Space and the body

  4. The politics of visibility and legibility

  5. Liminality

  6. Media and representation

However, all proposals with feminist/sexuality/gender themes are welcome.

Please send proposals to Identify your submission with the subject heading “Identity and Invisibility.”

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