Proposal Deadline January 15th
November 4, Montreal Quebec
In collaboration with Media Art Histories Re-Create 2015, november 5-8
Details Below: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Emerging Researchers’ Symposium
4 November 2015 Montréal, Canada
in collaboration with Media Art Histories Re-Create 2015, 5-8 November 2015
Presented as a special one-day event in collaboration with the sixth international Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology and the 10th Anniversary of the Re- conference series, this forum highlights the contributions of new scholars in the expanding interdisciplinary domain of media art histories. The Emerging Researchers’ symposium presents a unique opportunity for graduate students, recent PhDs and Postdocs as well as emerging practitioners outside of the academic milieu, to present their research and practices in the context of an international community of scholars and students, expand on and exchange ideas in working groups, receive feedback from established experts in the field and attend the foremost international conference of its kind.
Media Art Histories Re-Create 2015 proposes the central question of what theories, methodologies and techniques can be used to understand past, present and indeed, future paradigms of creative material practices involving technologies within research contexts, from a historical and critical point of view.
The Emerging researchers’ event intends to participate in and bear witness to critical discussions of practice, research and media in all their formations and re-formations, and at a moment when these structures are simultaneously contested and evolving. New scholars have an important voice in these debates, with the potential to throw into question disciplinary boundaries, common values and accepted definitions and shape anew the goals and horizons of future research and creative practice within and outside of institutions. This summit will allow multiple flows and pulses to emerge from its dialogues, pointing toward future paths in media arts research and practice.
Taking the Re-Create 2015 conference theme as its foundation, the Emerging Researchers’ event examines the important nexus of knowledge production and creative practice but with a particular emphasis on the mutability and multiplicity of media and making, selecting five nodes around which to gather constellations of theories, materials and practices: curating, institutions, research-creation, sites, and interdisciplinarity. These foci can multiply as concepts, methods, actions and sites in themselves.
Potential contributors to the symposium should focus thematic panel sessions or individual papers on one of the following areas of concentration, offering case studies, historical analyses, theories, speculations and performative actions among other approaches:
Research-Creation Reflexivity: What is the relationship between research and making, and what methodologies and theoretical paradigms are shaping, or being shaped by, models of research-creation? What responsibility do artists and creators within research institutions have to traditional research methods and approaches?
Institutionary Complex: What are the possibilities or limitations for current and future encounters within an “institutionary complex”—the entanglement of infrastructure, funding, power and tradition that historically lays the ground for “research”? How have research and making across disciplines met within institutional settings such as the university and the museum, and what could future directions be?
Questioning the Curatorial: How do contemporary curatorial practices collaborate with media arts, research-creation and interdisciplinary making? Where do curatorial discourse and artistic technological innovation meet? How can curators reconcile their historical roles alongside new and popular definitions of curating?
Global Sites: How do specific social, political contexts, economies, cultural flows and territories influence knowledge production? What constitutes the current space(s) of research and production, and what places do these practices come from? How historically have sites of research and practice in media art, science and technology evolved outside of the predominant spheres of Europe and North America and what forms have they taken?
Inter/Multi/Trans: Case studies in interdisciplinary research fields such as science and technology studies, sound studies, sensory studies and others, combining frameworks or paradigms from different disciplines of study, and/or supported by historical models of media arts.
Please indicate clearly to which area of concentration you are submitting your presentation. The Emerging Researchers’ symposium invites 250 word abstracts of 15-minute presentations, papers and posters, in English or French, to be submitted in either Text, RTF, Word or PDF formats. Proposals for non-traditional formats such as performances are encouraged though subject to available resources. Please also include a 150 word biography and 1 page outline of any specific technical or venue requirements. Submissions must be sent by email to
NOTE: Submitting to this conference does not preclude submitting to the MAH Re-Create 2015 event.
An “emerging researcher” is defined in the framework of this event as a current graduate student (Masters or PhD), a recent graduate or postdoc (within 3 years) or an emerging practitioner (within 5 years of finishing training). The Emerging Researchers’ event welcomes contributions from emerging researchers who identify as artists, designers, scholars, technologists, curators and cultural workers working across diverse disciplines, sites and practices. We strongly encourage submissions from international contexts outside of Europe and North America.
The deadline for submissions is 15 January 2015. Presenters will be informed by mid-March 2015. For more information about the submission process and general information email Cécile Martin, Emerging Researchers’ Symposium Coordinator at
Presented by Hexagram, Concordia University, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université de Montréal and McGill University.
Aurélie Besson, Études et pratiques des arts PhD Student, Faculté des arts – Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Cécile Martin, Humanities PhD Student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC), Faculty of Fine Arts – Concordia University Dana Samuel, Humanities PhD Student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture (CISSC), Faculty of Fine Arts – Concordia University Frances Cullen, Art History PhD Student, Department of Art History and Communication Studies – McGill University Karelle Arsenault, Communication Studies PhD Student – Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Katja Philipp, Communication Studies PhD Candidate, Faculté des arts et des sciences, Département en communication – Université de Montréal (UdeM) Manuelle Freire, Art Education PhD Candidate, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Art Education – Concordia University Pamela Tudge, Fine Arts Individualized (INDI) PhD Student, School of Graduate Studies – Concordia University