→ They say recycling is good so here we dig into our GradAperture archive to rescue and update a fantastic post written by our super alumni Juan Antonio Llamas.
Classes officially start on September 3rd, and soon we’ll all be running around doing readings, TAing, socializing, and not getting enough sleep. Here is a quick to-do list of things – mostly getting cards – that are better done on the first week:
→ NEWCOMERS: ATTEND THE ORIENTATION SESSION It’s this Friday, September 6, starting at 10:00 in FB-411. Then we will break up into MA and PhD groups.
The new PhD students will meet in FB 449 from 11 to 12.
The new MA students will stay in FB 411 from 11 to 12.
You should’ve gotten this, like, yesterday (or last week, since yesterday was Labour Day.) It’s the first and most important piece of ID in the school, it’s your library card, and it’ll help in getting other cards. Remember, you have to be registered for classes before you can get this card! Do so online or drop by the cinema office (FB-319), then run over to the Birks Student Services Centre (LB building, 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, room 187) and bring
one piece of photo identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license or medicare card)
your student ID number OR your letter of acceptance or class schedule.
Also, clean up nicely because you’re getting stuck with this picture for the next two (or more) years!
$ – Initial student ID cards cost $11.50, which will be charged to your student account. Should you need a replacement card, a $15 charge will apply.
This will be your favourite thing when everyone is checking out the ONE book on horror and gender from the library come final paper season. The CREPUQ card allows you to borrow books from other Montreal universities (and the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) without having to go through interlibrary loans. Given the glacial pace of bureaucracy, taking the metro blue line to UdeM beats having to wait for a whole week for a book. Also, this card is only good for one year, so returners have to get it again. Just head over to the library circulation desk and show your Concordia Student ID to get your CREPUQ card.
Two things you will need to do here:
First, bring your Student Permit and CAQ. The office is required to have a copy of these for all international students, so if you don’t present them before the DNE deadline (September 18) they will unregister you from courses!
Second, ask to get your Health Card. It’s from Blue Cross and will cover expenses from the hospital; medical charges and consultations by doctors and specialists; pregnancy (only if pregnancy commences after the start date of the health insurance plan); eye examination; psychiatric services; drugs and medicines. You’ve already been charged $810 so might as well have it handy in case you need it.
This is your metro card, and for those 25 years old and younger, there’s a reduced price. The STM will be coming to campus September 27 and 28, but if you’d rather get it done before (you should), then just go to their photo studio in the lower level at McGill metro station. Bring the following:
The registration form, the latter part of which has to be filled out by a representative in the Birks Student Services Centre (LB-185).
Proof of age
Proof of full-time school attendance with the seal of the institution (also obtained at the Birks Student Services Centre)
Proof that you live in Montréal (driver’s license, utility bill) – the lease is not accepted
$15 IN CASH (debit and credit cards are not accepted)
Again, clean up nicely because you’re getting stuck with this picture for a year!