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  • gemtechconcordia

Reminder: Upcoming deadline for SCMS 2015 annual conference

As you probably all know, the 2015 annual conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) will be taking place in Montreal. This event is a terrific opportunity for scholars of all levels, as it makes possible for a huge community of thinkers from all parts of the world to be assembled under one roof. Researchers from many different institutions, yes, but also whose work spans the enormous field of study which makes the SCMS what it is today. This being said, my goal here is to remind everyone that the deadline for submitting papers or pre-constituted panels to the conference committee is August 29, 2014. While most of you have probably already started working on your proposals, there is still time to get started and submit your proposals before the deadline. Those of you living close to Montreal should take advantage of this opportunity and apply to the conference.

All the relevant information can be found on SCMS’s website, where you can also find a useful list of tips for writing a successful proposal.

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