“The Amateur and the Institution Workshop” takes place this Saturday, March 19th, in room FB 630 starting at 10am. Here is the complete schedule:
10AM: Opening remarks by Dr. Lee Grieveson (UC London)
10.30-11.30AM: Session 1
Andrea Mariani (Udine): Crisis and Sintropy of an Amateur Practice. Experimenting Film Technology under Fascism: the Cineguf (1934-1943)
Giuseppe Fidotta (Udine): The Amateur Propagandist
Enrique Fibla (Concordia): The bourgeois amateur and the emergence of film culture in Catalonia
Respondent: Dr. Luca Caminati (Concordia)
11.35-12.30AM: Session 2
Irene Rozsa (Concordia): Towards a History of Cuban Amateur Cinema in the 1950s
Darien S. Nicolás (Concordia): Cuban diaspora travelogues: Mapping nostalgias in the age of video
Respondent; Dr. Masha Salazkina (Concordia)
12.30AM-12.45pm: COFEE BREAEAK
12.45-13.45PM: Session 3
Vivianne Saglier (Concordia): Professional Training for Human Rights’ Amateurs
Julia Huggins (Concordia): Lovers in a Digital Time: The Figure of the Amateur Videographer in 50 First Dates
Patrick Smith (Concordia): Between the viral and the political: the appropriation of radical amateur media in James Benning’s the war (2012)
Respondent; Haidee Wasson (Concordia)
13.45-2.30PM: LUNCH