From May 15th-17th Concordia will host “Porting Media: Asia”, a conference investigating the circulation and infrastructure of portable media. This conference will feature a series of panels, presentations and workshops, including two exceptional keynote lectures:
Laikwan Pang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) presenting “The Social, the Private, and the Political: The Use of Social Media in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement”
Thomas Lamarre (McGill University) presenting “Everyday Media Comportment: Living Between Infrastructure”
The Keynotes will take place at 4:00pm on May 15th in J.A De Sève (LB 125) & are open to the public!
If you would like to sign up for the workshop, contact the workshop coordinator (portingmedia[at]] by May 8th
From the website:
“Porting Media: Asia is a conference and workshop that draws on the nuances of the word “port” to investigate the transportation, translation, and reconfiguration of media within particular sites in Asia. Porting is a concept and metaphor useful for rethinking discussions of circulation and infrastructure; media transposition (or transmedia); game and cell phone cultures of portability; media archaeological approaches to portable technologies of transmission and telecommunication; and the porting of paradigms of analysis across different geographies and institutions. Thus, porting draws together multiple phenomena that participants will investigate together, in a manner that cuts across these multiple sites of inquiry.”
View the full schedule here