This event had been a long time coming, and after months of hard work, the event “Strategies and Tactics: Networks and Spaces of Solidarity and Activism” took place successfully yesterday, April 9, 2014. This event was organized by the Cinema Studies Graduate Student Colloquium Series (CSGSCS), but was also made to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Cinema Politica and with the end of a 13 week seminar (given by Dr. Thomas Waugh) on the work of John Greyson, the guest of honour for this event.
The event began with John Greyson presenting some of his most recent and unfinished work. These were six short pieces interspersed with commentary by the director who found, each time, an interesting way of linking the material presented and its political signification, with a dash of camp humour which often makes its way into Greyson’s work.
After this engaging presentation by Greyson, the roundtable discussion commenced. One after the other, and in conversation with one another, five panelists addressed the kinds of challenges that they (or their objects of study) are facing in relation to the theme of the event. In essence, the goal of this roundtable was to achieve a particular dialogue about these challenges, but also about the kinds of solutions that the participants themselves have employed, have seen being employed, or would like to see being employ.
Roundtable discussion surrounding the theme of “Strategies and Tactics”
The five panellists were Adam Szymanksi, Dr. Ezra Winton, Fulvia Massimi, Dr. Krista Lynes and Giampaolo Marzi, and John Greyson and Dr. Waugh served as respondent and moderator respectively.
If you missed this enthralling discussion, I highly suggest that you go visit our twitter to relieve the experience through Bridget’s brilliant live coverage of the event. Also note that this event was filmed and that a video should be uploaded shortly (read after finals are due). That being said, I leave you with several photos from the event, and ask that you keep an eye out for updates on this post, which will be updated as soon as the chance arises.
Dr. Ezra Winton, co-founder of Cinema Politica.
Giampaolo Marzi, director of the festival Mix Milan and MA student at the MHSoC.
Adam Szymanski, doctoral student at the MHSoC
Fulvia Massimi, doctoral student at the MHSoC.
Dr. Krista Lynes, Canada Research Chair In Feminist Media Studies
Dr. Thomas Waugh, moderator for the afternoon.
John Greyson responds to a question from the audience
Dr. Ezra Winton, co-founder of Cinema Politica, responds to a question from the public.