The Webster Library is currently undergoing major renovations. In preparation for phase 4 of the project, the bookshelves where the cinema books are located (in the PN section) will be closed as of December 2016 and until — we are told — August 2017.
The books will still be available. However they will be shipped to a warehouse and will be available on request only. In light of the circumstances, the library has just adopted a new, temporary, borrowing policy: if you borrow books before they disappear from the Webster site in December or if you request them once they are housed off-site, the loan period will be extended until September 2017 (unless someone recalls them, once the normal loan period has expired).
If you already have an idea of what books you will be using, you are encouraged to borrow them as quickly as possible. Of course, the other three Montreal university libraries are not touched by this, so if you don’t yet have your BCI card, you are encouraged to get it made ASAP (by addressing yourself to the Webster loan counter), as it will enable you to borrow books in these libraries. The Grande Bibliothèque du Québec also has decent holding in several areas, as does the Cinémathèque québécoise’s Centre de documentation.
Several instructors will be also be requesting that books for their classes be put in the reserve library, which will still be in operation during this period. The periodical section is not touched by this phase of the Webster transformation.
If you do have any further questions, please ask the Webster Library staff.
A reminder, however, if you are interested in taking an item from the Grad Lounge library (FB-341), please come by during our office hours, Wednesdays, 11-12.
[Source: Dr. Martin LeFebvre]